Patricia Green Reserve Pinot Noir Special

Patricia Green Reserve Pinot Noir Special

Patricia Green Reserve Pinot Noir Special

Regular price $33.00
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This bottling allows us to accomplish two things that are very important to us as a winery. The first thing is that it allows us to be incredibly detailed about the barrels we select for our vineyard designated wines, so they true expressions of the site on a year in and year out basis. The Willamette Valley Pinot Noir bottling “Reserve” is almost entirely made up of barrels that simply were not included in a more prestigious bottling, which allows us to choose from larger sections of our diverse vineyards. Secondly, it allows us to create a blended wine that has a degree of consistency to it each vintage that is of incredibly high-quality and will retail for under $30.

This winery has always been dedicated to the concept of the highest level quality without necessarily attaching a corresponding price point. Patty and I always wanted to have a winery that made wines that we liked to drink, but more importantly a winery that had wines we would, were we the customer, feel good about paying for. This Reserve Pinot Noir is as an important bottling to us and this winery as the lowest production, super-fancy and exclusive wine that we make. Lots of people see, buy and drink this wine and that is something that we love.

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